Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2011

Why the falling Dead Sea not drown?

Swimming in the Dead Sea you never worry about drowning, because the salt contentin sea water as high as 270 thousandths here.
The proportion of seawater is larger than the proportion of friends. So we can float on the sea as a board.

But why in the average salt content of sea water on the surface of the ocean, only about35 per thousand, while the concentration of salt in the Dead Sea is so high?

Now close the map we see the Dead Sea is located in the western border of Jordan, isthe world's lowest lake, fit entirely in the areas surrounding terrain is relatively high. In fact, the Dead Sea is not really the sea but a lake no way out, with a large number ofrivers do not bring into the country. This was the main characteristic properties of itsdecision.

Around the river flows into the Dead Sea is largely desert and lava limestone. The lavafloor which contains many minerals. Thus, water flowing into the Dead Sea have veryhigh salt content. Because there is no way out to sea these minerals are being keptwhole. Also Jordan is the dry, cloudless. Intense sun make the water constantly in the"pool" This secret is very strong evaporation.

Meanwhile, a major water source of the Sea - Jordan River - has been substantiallywithdrawn to serve irrigation. Through May, the sea salt content of the more,increasingly dense. As a result of these waters, except a few bacteria, no creature canexist, so new it does not take the name of something beautiful-the Dead Sea.

By 10 thousand questions why

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